Sannio Museum

The Samnium Museum
Lombard heritage

The Santa Sofia monastery cloister and the adjacent convent structures are now home to the Samnium Museum, which houses archaeological and historical-artistic objects. These include a group of finds from the monumental temple of Isis built by Domitian in AD 88, and an abundant Lombard collection that illustrates Benevento’s importance as the capital of Langobardia Minor.

The lombard section

In addition to the architectural and artefactual remains present throughout the complex, for example in the cloister and church of Santa Sofia, the Samnium Museum – where there is a specific section occupying several rooms –  provides visitors with an opportunity to immerse themselves in Lombard culture and history.
The rooms next to the cloister, the Lombard place of worship, house the Lombard section of the Samnium Museum, which exhibits material from Benenevento, capital of Langobardia Minor.

Grave Goods

In the rooms adjacent to the cloister there are Late Antique funerary inscriptions with Early Christian features and Lombard funerary inscriptions of notable historical interest.
Male and female grave goods – coins, jewellery, weapons and other objects – are also on display.


Information and contacts

Museo del Sannio
Piazza Santa Sofia, 82100 Benevento BN
Tel. 0824 774763 / 774764
Cumulative ticket, 2-day validity: includes Museo del Sannio, Palazzo Casiello, Chiostro di S. Sofia, Museo Arcos, Sant’IIario a Port’Aurea
Full price: €6.00 Reduced price: €4.00
Cumulative ticket, 1-day validity: includes Museo del Sannio, Palazzo Casiello, and Chiostro di S. Sofia
Full price: €4.00 Reduced price: €2.00
Opening hours

Lunedì chiuso
Martedì 09.00 – 19.00
Mercoledi 09.00 – 19.00
Giovedi 09.00 – 19.00
Venerdi 09.00 – 19.00
Sabato 09.00 – 19.00
Domenica 09.00 – 19.00

Brescia Longobardi in Italia
Campello sul Clitunnno Longobardi in Italia