Studying stimulates interest and experimenting increases knowledge. The “Learn” area provides all the historical facts and information relating to the UNESCO Serial Site, its inscription in the World Heritage List and activities for schools, designed using creative, innovative methods to involve pupils and students.
Here you can also consult and download all the useful material on Lombard history in digital format, such as publications, documents, monument guides, games and videos.
The Lombards in Italy
After a long migration, the Lombard people arrived in Italy in AD 568, led by King Alboin. In a short time they conquered the entire peninsula, establishing a kingdom able to oppose the Byzantines: Langobardia Maior. The Lombards in Italy had a fundamental role, because they created a new culture that united their Germanic origins with Roman traditions to an extent that Paul the Deacon considered them to be the true heirs of the Romans rather than the Byzantine peoples.

The UNESCO site
Nel 2011 l’UNESCO ha riconosciuto patrimonio dell’umanità, iscrivendo nella World Heritage List, il sito seriale “I Longobardi in Italia. I luoghi del potere (568-774 d.C.)”. A testimonianza unica e preziosa della storia e della cultura longobarda sono stati scelti 7 gruppi di monumenti, che si trovano in tutta Italia: questo riconoscimento simboleggia l’inestimabile valore di questi luoghi che rappresentano per le generazioni di oggi e di domani.
In 2011 the UNESCO Serial Site “Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.)” was inscribed in the World Heritage List. Seven groups of monuments located throughout Italy were chosen as a unique and precious testimony of Lombard history and culture: this recognition symbolizes the inestimable value of these places for present and future generations.
In the download area, you can find educational materials and tools to learn about and delve deeper into the Lombard people.
Download Area

Esperienze creative
con l’arte

Viaggi culturali nei
monumenti UNESCO

Proposte interattive
attraverso il gioco

Itinerari innovativi e
lezioni digitali
School activities
UNESCO has among its main objectives the education of young generations about cultural heritage, and the serial site responds to this call with educational activities that promote the history of the Lombards.
In the places and among the monuments of the site, numerous educational activities are organized for students, pupils, and teachers, covering a wide range of disciplines, from art to gaming, from theater to hands-on workshops.


Media gallery