Italia Langobardorum Association

“Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.)” is the official title of the UNESCO site that includes seven groups of historical monuments that embody the values of the Lombard people, who settled in Italy between the 6th and 8th centuries AD.

These groups include monasteries, churches and forts; in June 2011 they became UNESCO World Heritage sites because they bear witness to the Lombard people’s important role in European religious and cultural development during the transition between the Classical and Medieval periods.

The sites are located in Cividale del Friuli (Udine), Brescia, Castelseprio (Varese), Spoleto (Perugia), Campello sul Clitunno (Perugia), Benevento and Monte Sant’Angelo (Foggia).

The Italia Langobardorum Association is the organization that manages the site “Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.)”. .

Based in Spoleto Council, its partners are the councils of Benevento, Brescia, Campello sul Clitunno, Castelseprio, Gornate Olona, Cividale del Friuli, Monte Sant’Angelo, Spoleto, and the Ministry of Culture.

The Board of Directors consists of one delegate from each entity; the president is chosen in rotation from the 7 council delegates and remains in office for two yeara.

‘I Longobardi in Italia’ is the Association’s main brand, used to promote the Serial Site and communicate all cultural, historical, artistic, educational and also institutional initiatives.
The Association is a non-profit organization and is the only entity entitled to benefit ,from the financial measures provided for by Law no. 77, assigned for the protection, management, use and enhancement of Italian sites of cultural, landscape and environmental interest that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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The Association's tasks

• Spread knowledge of the Lombard people and their fundamental role in the development of European culture through the production of specific teaching material, such as videos and publications.
• Promote in the younger generation awareness of the Lombard heritage present in the places where they live.
• Promote knowledge of the geographical spread of Lombard heritage through exchanges and educational trips inside Italy, with external sites belonging to the Network, and with other places of Lombard origin and culture.
• Reinforce coordination activities between the sites, as well as strengthening the Network management structure, so as to form close ties and promote awareness of the World Heritage Site’s uniqueness (in line with ICOMOS recommendation 4c contained in decision no.35 COM 8B.33)

The Association was founded in 2008. Since 2011, when the site became a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to date it has bid for and won six tenders under Law 77/2006, receiving maximum funding for the following projects:

  • 2011 I Longobardi: un patrimonio comune alle radici della nostra cultura;
  • 2012 Progetto didattico-formativo per insegnanti con strumenti didattici innovativi per l’educazione dei giovani ai valori della cultura dei Longobardi;
  • 2013 Progetto didattico per alunni e insegnanti attraverso modalità classiche e multimediali per la diffusione dei valori della cultura dei Longobardi;
  • 2014 A tavola con re Rotari. Cultura e alimentazione dei Longobardi come paradigma per l’integrazione di popoli attraverso modalità classiche e multimediali;
  • 2015 I Longobardi dallo scavo archeologico ai banchi scuola;
  • 2016 Longobardi “in vetrina”. Scambi e condivisioni tra musei per valorizzare il patrimonio longobardo;
  • 2017 Toccar con Mano i Longobardi;
  • 2018 Aggiornamento del Piano di gestione attraverso processi partecipati;
  • 2019 I Longobardi dal Manoscritto al Pixel;
  • 2020 Contributo per interventi di cui all’art.4, comma 1, della legge 77/2006, finalizzati a garantire la fruizione, valorizzazione e salvaguardia dei Siti e degli Elementi italiani UNESCO nel rispetto e nei limiti delle misure volte al contenimento della diffusione del virus COVID- 19.
  • 2021 I Longobardi in Viaggio Verso Nuovi Scenari.

How to participate

It is possible to participate in the Association in support of the activities and contexts in which it operates, sharing its mission and vision for enhancement of the UNESCO World Heritage Serial Site.

Here you can find all the information you need to become a member or request the Association’s patronage of events and initiatives with a view to territorial cultural and tourist promotion.


The Association is open to institutions that wish to join it as members.

Its common goal is founded on a passion for Lombard culture, art and history, with mutual commitment and responsibility to help to spread awareness of this immense legacy: to safeguard, preserve and enhance the UNESCO Serial Site “Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.)”.

It is possible to support the Association in two different ways, as either a supporting member or a full member.
Both supporting members and full members contribute to the practical and financial support of the Association and have the right to vote at the members’ assembly.
Supporting members also undertake to collaborate actively, organizing initiatives and events agreed on by the Association.

To become a full member or a supporting member, fill in the application form.
If you are already a full member, download the annual sheet indicating activities conducted in support of the Association and compile it.

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The Association is happy to collaborate on projects, events and other initiatives that serve to promote Lombard culture throughout the world and offer the possibility of presenting the UNESCO Serial Site.

Please submit your proposal and apply for patronage by compiling the application form.